Web Developer and Author


Dark Rising

Episode 1 : Howard - 69 GTO


As he turned he saw a 69 GTO pull into the empty gas pump next to him. It had the classic Judge muscle car tattoo above the front driver side tire. He recognized it by a sticker on its bumper that read "Feel safe at night. Sleep with a paramedic." It belonged to a student from his Nursing Practicum class, Thomas Fisher. Tom was one of his best students, as he had years of experience as a paramedic. He noticed that Tom had a tired look as he stepped out of his car.

"Well if it isnt Thomas Fisher!" Howard exclaimed waiving.

Tom waived back and gave a friendly "Oh, hello Professor." Howard noticed he was in his uniform. He figured he just got off duty.

"How are you?" Howard asked.

"I've had a rough day." Tom said turning as he selected payment method at the gas pump terminal.

"How so?" he asked.

He began fueling the judge as he continued. "I responded to a suicide by cop today, a woman." A moment passed as Tom stared off in the distance in silence. "She was at a walk in clinic with flue like symptoms. You know fever, headache, muscle aches, chills, nausea, and vomiting."

Episode 1BLC