Web Developer and Author

The Maze

Episode 1 - The left hallway : Explore



You enter the left hallway leaving the corridor behind you. The ground is cracked and dust fills the air. As you turn the corner you notice how quiet it is. The beating of your own heart pounds in your ears, cutting through the silence of the hallway.



The hallway is lined with tombstones. A shelf of four feet off the ground holds the second row of tombstones. They appear to be very old. Most of the names are faded.

One of the epitaphs reads, “I was hoping for a pyramid”

And another reads, “I told you I was sick!”


Near the front of the hallway is a White marble statue of an angel. A message carved into the base of the statue reads:

Dear traveler,

When one door closes another opens. Unless its the door to your coffin.



There is a pedestal in the middle of the hallway. Moss grows on the pedestal towards the path, stopping about a foot from its base. A book rests upon the pedestal.


A red door waits for you at the end of the hallway just beyond the pedestal. A sign with large letters hangs on the door.

The sign reads:

The Chapel