Episode 1 - The door - wake up
Wake up
You awaken to a pulsing pain near the back of your head. As you open your eyes the light pours in as a searing hot white glow. You close your eyes instinctively to protect yourself from the brightness of the light. The brightness penetrates your eyelids, the darkness dimly enlightened to a reddish black. You squeeze your eyes tightly, to block the light. The relief of darkness is interrupted by another throb of pain. The pain shoots down from the back of your head down your neck and into your back. Your hand reaches for your neck to soothe the pain but is stopped by something around your wrist. Your eyes open in surprise, inspecting this unexpected restraint. The light fills your view, this time your eyes have dilated, limiting its invasive glow.
As your eyes adjust, the blurry surroundings meld from white into shades of white and grey. The blurry grey forms the shape of the floor and walls around you. You find yourself lying on the floor, attached to a manacle. The manacle is on your wrist. A chain-link restrains the manacle to the floor. Rust chips away at the metal around your wrist revealing a gap.
You pull at the manacle restraining your arm, and the rusted metal bends open the gap. The manacle falls to the floor with a thud. The noise echoes through the air and around the corridors surrounding you. A jolt of pain greets you as you stand up and grasp your throbbing head.
The room you are in is a large rectangular room with 2 hallways in each corner in front of you. Behind you is a large wooden door. The door is shut and has a sign on the door. The sign reads:
Hello traveler,
In the maze you find yourself today. You are free to leave, the exit is only two doors away.