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Real Man Challenge: Does your love endure all things?

Charity suffereth long, [and] is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
— 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 KJV

This passage is providing a definition for the word charity, providing a list of attributes that can be used to identify it. The word rendered “charity” in the King James Version comes from the the Greek word agapē, which means “love.” In today’s vernacular the word charity means “the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.” according to google. This is not what is meant when we read this word in this passage. In the days of King James the English word charity was synonymous with love. So now when we read this we can understand that the key word of this passage is “love.”

15 attributes define love:

  1. Long suffering - This speaks of the duration of time you are willing to suffer for the sake of others.

  2. Kind - This speaks of compassionate behavior towards others.

  3. Does not envy - This speaks of being content with what you have.

  4. Does not boast - This speaks of modesty.

  5. Is not proud - This speaks of humility.

  6. Is not unbecoming - This speaks of polite and tasteful behavior.

  7. Is not selfish - This speaks of a selfless attitude that puts the needs of others before themselves.

  8. Not easily provoked - This speaks of forgiving others when they provoke us.

  9. Does not think evil - This speaks of a pure mind.

  10. Does not celebrate wrong doing - This speaks of a righteous distaste for bad behavior.

  11. Celebrates truth - This speaks of an attitude of rejoicing in truth, even when the truth hurts.

  12. Bears all things - This speaks of taking responsibility for others and bearing it your self.

  13. Is always believing - This speaks of trust.

  14. Is always hopeful - This speaks of hope.

  15. Endures all things - This speaks of suffering with others when they are going through suffering.

Do you love like this? Or are other words used to describe how you love? If that is so, then is it possible that what you call love really something else? Here comes the Real Man Challenge men. Love you those in your life with this standard of love, biblical love. Agape love. Will you endure all things or will you call it quits? Will you bear all things or is there a line in the sand that you refuse to cross? Will you suffer long (long suffering) or will you run away when things get tough? This is truthfully a good way to test a mans metal, his caliber, to determine the quality of his character. When does he throw in the towel when someone he loves needs him to continue. A real man never, ever, gives up.