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Young Earth evidence

Here is a list of articles that provide evidence that supports a young earth.

In the early nineties, researchers from Montana State University made a startling discovery. Inspecting a piece of T. rex bone under a microscope, they could hardly believe their eyes-they could see dinosaur red blood cells! This discovery prompted lead scientist, Dr Mary Schweitzer, to say: 'It was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone.

Dino red blood cells. Red blood cells found in a supposed MYO Fossil.


Mitochondrial eve - All human DNA can be traced back to a single woman about 6.5k years ago.

Many people scoff at the idea that all humans descended from a woman called Eve only thousands of years ago. But geneticists actually endorse a similar idea, known as mitochondrial Eve. By studying the DNA in cell parts known as mitochondria, scientists propose that all humans descended from a single woman that lived 200,000 years ago.
Most people are under the impression that coal forms slowly in swamps over millions of years. But this view neglects the testimony of tree trunk fossils that cut across many coal layers, known as polystrate fossils. If these tree trunks were buried gradually over thousands of years the top parts of the trees would have rotted away before they could be protected by sediment.

Polystrate fossils - Fossilized trees found in multiple layers of rock supposedly formed millions of years apart.

How would our view of dinosaurs change if scientists found carbon 14 in their bones? Well, a group of geophysicists claimed to have discovered exactly that-carbon 14 in dinosaur bones! This is indeed a shocking proposal for those who believe that the last dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, because carbon 14 decays so fast that it could not possibly survive that long.

Radiocarbon dating