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Intelligent design

Here are some articles that present evidence for intelligent design.

Fine Tuning

Fine tuning of the universe for life.

If you were able to choose the planet you lived on, which one would it be? Well, I would definitely choose earth, because it is so well suited for life. Whether you're considering the Earth's distance from the sun, or its gravity, axial tilt or magnetic field, one conclusion is inescapable.

Irreducible complexity

Clear explanation of biological irreducible complexity There are a number of DVD videos you can easily get from Amazon.com; some are used and are therefore not expensive yet in excellent condition, (other segments from these videos may have been posted online.) The video segment on irreducible complexity comes from a DVD video called: Unlocking the Mystery of Life.
Dr. John Sanford and Dr. Robert Carter discuss how genetic entropy is a fatal flaw for biological evolution. World-renowned Geneticist Dr. John Sanford is the inventor of the biolistic process ("gene gun"), pathogen-derived resistance, and genetic immunization. He has been a Cornell University Professor for more than 25 years.

Specified Complexity

Where did we come from? How did we get here? Dr. John Ankerberg discusses theories regarding Darwinian Evolution, Intellgent Design, and other facts surrounding the Origins of Life. Dr. Ankerberg's guest is Dr. Stephen Meyer, a best-selling author and co-founder of the Intelligent Design Movement.
What is something computers and humans have in common which constantly needs upgrading in computers but not in humans? The answer is software. You might not have realized that you have software but inside the nucleus of each of your cells a program is written in the form of three billion DNA letters.

Why is there something rather than nothing?

We can know God exists because of the things that God created. If you saw a watch in the middle of a forest you would assume a watchmaker made the watch. It does not make sense to say the watch just exists, end of discussion.