Web Developer and Author

The Maze updates

Posts in Story Telling
The Maze Egress Paths maps

This morning I updated the Egress page changing the exit paths to 3 instead of 6. I will add additional paths as time goes on, but it will start with 3. The 3 paths have maps. However, they still need unique content and media. Right now they all have the content and media from the path.

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Story TellingBLC
Work in progress: Maze Red Path Actions

I realized that triggers were good for clip events like walking over a map or an encounter, but something needed to handle broader actions like the end of the game and pausing, resuming. If you pull agro, the game will pause and update the story cards for example.

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Story TellingBLC
Work in progress

Today I worked on adding a maze minigame to the end of the Maze episode 1. I am adding the logic for story card triggers to interact with encounters and progress the story.

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Story TellingBLC