Web Developer and Author


100 Ways the World Could End


This idea for this book is about listing end of World scenarios and rating them.

The Disaster Scenarios


The sun

  • Coronal Mass Ejections

  • Supernova

Collision with terrestrial body

  • Comet

  • Asteroid

  • Planet


Earth Crust

  • Earthquake

  • Tectonic plates disruption

  • Super Volcano


  • Flood

  • Drought


  • Hurricane

  • Tornado

  • Hale

  • Blizzard

  • Global warming

  • Superstorm



  • Pandemic: COVID Virus

  • Pandemic: Zombie Virus


  • Rise of an apex predator


  • Alien Invasion

  • Interstellar War



  • World War

  • Dilution on genetic stability (Mutation/DeEvolution)


  • Overpopulation

  • Hyperinflation

  • Stock Market Crash

  • Energy Crisis (Lack of gasoline for example)


  • Singularity (A.I. Machines taking over)

The Rating System

The three criteria for this rating system are spatial extent, length of time, and affected life. With these criteria, we can determine how devastating a disaster is relative to others.

For example, let’s take a look at Noah's Ark. Noah’s flood was a global flood so spatial extent is planetary with a value of 5. The floodwaters lasted a year so the length of time is years with a value of 3. The victims had no control or ability to be saved but the flood did not kill all life, so the affected life was uncontrolled with a value of 2.

If you tally this: planetary (5) + Years (3) + uncontrolled survival (2) = Level 10 disaster. While a week-long (1) local (1) flood (controlled survival 1) is a level 3 disaster.

The point of this rating system is to come up with a RELATIVE rating system. Let us take a look at the Thanos snap disaster. It would be measured in weeks (1) uncontrolled (2) cosmic (8) a level 11 disaster. The very worst disaster possible would be the end of all life (8) for all time (8) + (3 uncontrollable) = level 19 disaster.

Spatial Extent

8. Cosmic
7. Galactic
6. Solar
5. Planetary
4. Continental
3. National
2. Regional
1. Local

Length of Time

8. Eternal
7. Eons
6. Millennia
5. Centuries
4. Decades
3. Years
2. Months
1. Weeks

Effected life

3. No Survival - this event affects all life. No survival.
2. Uncontrolled Survival - This event targets or only affects certain forms of life. This means survivability can not be controlled.
1. Controlled Survival - This event only affects life forms in a specific circumstance. This means survivability can be controlled