Web Developer and Author


Time Prophet Chronicles

I will write a series of books consisting of 2 trilogies. A fictional non-fiction trilogy and a fictional narrative.

Fictional non-fiction

These are fictional non-fiction books. They are written as if non-fiction from a fictional character. As if a character from my stories actually existed in this world and wrote these books. The fictional character is a character who exists in the non-fiction sister trilogy in the series.

How to spend a fortune

A financial analyst wrote a book detailing how he could have made and spent a fortune.

  • Raising a fortune

    • Raising Seed Money

      • Invest birthday money into Microsoft - $600 turns into $10,000

      • Local car wash service

      • Mow lawns as a teenager

      • Work at Publix starting at age 15

    • Raising Millions

      • Lottery – December 11th, 2002 [8,10,15,24,48,53]

      • MillionDollarHomePage.com

      • Snuggie

    • Raising Billions

      • Stocks

        • Monster

        • Tractor Supply

        • Netflix

        • Apple

        • IDEXX Laboratories

        • Stocks for Pleasure/Power

        • Amazon

        • YouTube

        • Facebook

        • Google

        • Disney

    • Spending a fortune

      • Giving back to God

        • Local Church

        • Assemblies around the US

        • CMML - Missionaries

        • Christian Camps

        • Answers in Genesis

      • Giving back to key figures

        • My Mother

        • My Father

        • My Uncle

      • Giving back to the less fortunate

        • Step Brother

      • Giving back to Community

        • Develop Medical Supplies

        • Develop Telecommuting

The mechanics of time travel

The fictional version of me lived another decade after publishing his first book. In that time the world fell into chaos, and he eventually died along with the majority of the human race. As it turns out, he did not wake up in some sort of afterlife. Instead, he awoke as a child, in his past. As he grew he began to write a book detailing the mechanics of time travel. How changes he makes to his past propagate and change the future.

The ethics of time travel

After writing his previous book, the time traveler manages to amass a fortune. Knowing that the world is heading down a road to oblivion he begins to use his fortune to save the world. Having mastered the mechanics of time travel, he begins to wonder how his changes have affected the world. To answer his own inner conscience he is driven to study time travel beyond the mechanics, and dive into the ethics of time travel. After saving the world he pens his final work, the ethics of time travel.


Book 1: Seeds

This work of fiction tells the story of a man who lived his life, died, and started it all over again. He remembers how he was a financial analyst, how he wrote a book titled “How I could have made and spent a fortune.” He remembers how the world ended, and he along with it. Reborn in 1984, he relives his childhood and school years. Determined to figure out how time travel works, so he can change his fate and possibly the fate of the world.

Chapter Titles

  • Life

  • Death

  • Rebirth

  • Childhood

  • Kinder garden

  • Summer of 90

  • 1st grade

  • Summer of 91

  • 2nd grade

  • Summer of 92

  • 3rd grade

  • Summer of 93

  • 4th grade

  • Summer of 94

  • 5th grade

  • Summer of 95

  • 6th grade

  • Summer of 96

  • 7th grade

  • Summer of 97

  • 8th grade

  • Summer of 98

  • 9th grade

  • Summer of 99

  • 10th grade

  • Y2K

  • Summer of 2000

  • 11th grade

  • Summer of 2001

  • 12th grade