A businessman / entrepreneur and his wife are celebrating their wedding anniversary. His wife mentions how she always wanted to bike across the states. It would be an adventure she says to him. The man promises to her that he will go with her and the two of them would be traveling partners. The wife dies 9 months later giving birth to their son, who also dies a few weeks later due to complications from birth. Devastated the man leaves all of his life behind stuck in the loss of his family. In his depravity he loses all that he owns, except for the run down factory shop his business was based out of. It is only when he decides to fulfill the promise he made to his wife, that he began to feel human again. Broke and living in his old factory, He uses a spare parts to tiny traveling home, hitched to the back of a bike. He then takes what little he has, along with the ashes of his wife with him on a journey of a fie time. He travels by bike across the united states. Enduring poverty, rain, snow, ice, muggers, hate, misunderstanding, heartbreak, and redemption.