Halo - trans multiverse relocation device
You have heard that the universe is vast. Incomprehensibly huge. That isn't even the tip of the iceberg Berg my friends. You see, the reality is a ball of twisted up parallel universes, each a variation of the next. Next door to your universe is another just like it, with a single variation distinguishing the two apart. The further you travel from your own universe the more variations distinguish that universe from your own.
I know all this because I am smart. I am like Einstein on steroids smart, and with a better barber. So you can trust me when I tell you about the Halo. It's a device I invented that does 2 simple things. It monitors your health, detecting the moment before your death. This then triggers the next phase of the Halo. Trans-multiverse relocation, or in layman vernacular, drops you off at the nearest neighboring parallel universe. You arrive at your new, yet slightly altered universe and relive the day.
Some deaths seem unavoidable, like that of old age. But sooner or later you are bound to land on a verse that even has a fix for old age. The first time I died it took me 9 jumps before I cheated that grisly fate. That was 328 jumps ago. Let me tell you, once you beat death you'll never go back to straight living again. With each jump comes new possibilities, as the rewards outweigh the risks. Think of the possibilities ladies and gentlemen. Now you can get your hands on your very own Halo for the low price of 10 million dollars. Ok boys and girls, who wants to live forever?