Episode 1 - Consumed - Librarian
Consumed by the librarian
You have been floating in bodily fluids for what seems to be days. The acidic sting of the librarian’s digestive juices has been your constant companion. The horror of being eaten alive constantly replaying over and over in your mind as you cope with the fresh wave of pain. You remember thousands of razor-sharp teeth ripping your flesh open as you slid down her throat. Escaping the horror of her toothy maw only to be greeted by the tortures that await you inside her digestive tract. You, alive and conscious, can only guess that this creature’s bodily fluids have kept you alive as they kill you. Prolonging death, so you can experience every morsel of your flesh being consumed. When will it end? When will death finally show her face and stop teasing you? Questions flood your mind as you regret not looking at the books on the pedestals. If only you could go back, then you could spare yourself the terrible fate that awaits you in the belly of the librarian.