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Bug: advantages and disadvantages of a tundra \ post human wasteland

The above video goes over different post-apocalyptic landscapes in video games. It made me ask the following question. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tundra \ post-human wasteland?


  • A more unique and exciting environment for the genre

  • I can invoke beautiful imagery as opposed to the bleak landscapes of the traditional desert wasteland.

  • I could limit the amount of living wildlife due to the harsh environment and lack of resources. This is a traditional motivator for this genre, resource management and fighting over limited supplies (namely wild animals for food).

  • Instead of longing for rain, the survivors could be longing for the sun and warmth.


  • if the world is frozen tundra then it no longer makes sense that water is scarce. It is common knowledge that you can melt ice and snow to make water. I would have to rewrite the plot's motivations for scavenging water. I really liked the rain catchment and the need for water.

    • perhaps the snow and ice is tainted somehow. This might force humans to rely on other means of procuring water.

      • Perhaps the snow and ice is infested with small micro bugs that hatch inside a host and consume them over time. The bugs and able to survive boiling and nonlethal doses of chemical treatment can not kill them either. It could look like a cancerous disease that slowly kills those who drank the infested water. This disease would affect humans and wildlife.

  • Some have called the frozen tundra a white desert, basically, a variant of the desert so often relied upon in the genre.

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