Bug: advantages and disadvantages of a tundra \ post human wasteland
The above video goes over different post-apocalyptic landscapes in video games. It made me ask the following question. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tundra \ post-human wasteland?
A more unique and exciting environment for the genre
I can invoke beautiful imagery as opposed to the bleak landscapes of the traditional desert wasteland.
I could limit the amount of living wildlife due to the harsh environment and lack of resources. This is a traditional motivator for this genre, resource management and fighting over limited supplies (namely wild animals for food).
Instead of longing for rain, the survivors could be longing for the sun and warmth.
if the world is frozen tundra then it no longer makes sense that water is scarce. It is common knowledge that you can melt ice and snow to make water. I would have to rewrite the plot's motivations for scavenging water. I really liked the rain catchment and the need for water.
perhaps the snow and ice is tainted somehow. This might force humans to rely on other means of procuring water.
Perhaps the snow and ice is infested with small micro bugs that hatch inside a host and consume them over time. The bugs and able to survive boiling and nonlethal doses of chemical treatment can not kill them either. It could look like a cancerous disease that slowly kills those who drank the infested water. This disease would affect humans and wildlife.
Some have called the frozen tundra a white desert, basically, a variant of the desert so often relied upon in the genre.
Lets take a closer look at the road to the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence hide themselves from travelers.
Lets take a closer look at the perimeter of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have secured themselves from attacking bugs and marauders.
Lets take a closer look at the outskirts of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have store their materials and miscellaneous supplies.
Lets take a closer look at the residential area of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have secured themselves from bugs and each other.
Lets take a closer look at the heart of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have secured themselves from attacking bugs and marauders.
As I am writing chapter 2 I recognize there are some issues with Sanctuary. The security of this town does not make sense and I have a plan to fix this.
Introducing Jude, one of our main characters. He is the son of Nathan and Rebecca and brother to Eden.
As I write chapter 2 and try to introduce the next main character Jude, I find his current profession unappealing. Perhaps he needs to go in a different direction.
I go over some points that I was able to introduce in chapter 2’s first draft during week 1 of writing.
Introducing Oliver, the butcher. He receives meat from Jude and prepares it for the towns folk.
To make things better fall in line for the end of the story I am changing Rebecca to be a doctor.
Lets take a closer look at the wood outside of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence secure resources.