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Bug: Coming soon

Character - Nathan

Bug: Character - Nathan

Nathan is MIA and presumed dead

Kevin James in a funny dramatic skit about being on the run from the police for shaking someone’s hand.


Name: Nathan Williams

Gender: Male

Height: 5’8”

Hair: Short buzzed or shaved, brown

Ethnicity: German, Jewish, Italian (American)

Build: Heavyset

Role: MIA Scout, Amateur Radio Operator

We first learn of Nathan in our opening. Rebecca is reminiscing about her husband Nathan while scouting for supplies. It is revealed that he is a HAM operator and a prepper. He would love to be on a scouting mission yet she is stuck with the task because he has been MIA for 3 years now. At this point, he is presumed dead. It was Nathan’s gear she is using while on her scouting mission, and she is channeling her inner Nathan as she uses them. While he did not teach her how to use his gear, was able to glean how from her memories of him.



Nathan was one of the first scouts for the Sanctuary to investigate outside the nearby area. He along with all others who left have never returned. It has been a period of around 3 years sense and he is presumed dead although is only MIA. His wife argues that nothing in the world would keep him from his children, if he were able to return he would have. She concludes that he must be dead. Rebecca requests that the council change his states from MIA to KIA so she can have a memorial and move on. They had yet to decide by the time she went on the scouting mission from our open.

Nathan was intercepted by marauders along with the other scouts. They were each given an opportunity to turn over information to save their lives. The marauders wanted to know the location of other survivors, in exchange for their life. Most refused, others gave information and were killed anyways. Nathan offered to join them, in exchange for his radio expertise. His offer to use his radio skills to befriend and betray survivor communities was accepted and he was aloud to live. His plan was to keep this group of killers as far away from sanctuary and his family as possible, even if it meant doing terrible things.

His new group of marauders grows stronger and stronger as they consume resources from pillaged survivor communities. Over time they become one of the largest factions and it becomes harder and harder to keep them from the Sanctuary. Eventually Nathan is able to persuade them to enter rival territory giving them false information about the rival faction. His plan is to fight fire with fire, and turn these two against each other. Let them l kill each other. His plan seems to be working when he discovers that they rival gang has started exploring the territory near the Sanctuary.

He gets word that his wife Rebecca was taken during a scouting mission and was being held as a prisoner. Terrified that she would be killed in the emending turf war between the factions he decides to go rouge to rescue her. Only his defecting is not taken lightly, and a kill order is put on his head.



  • Mechanical Engineer, he is educated in how to build things and skilled with metalworking

  • A Worker. He likes to get things done instead of relying on others to do it for him.

  • Successful Businessman, he runs an auto mechanic shop where they repair and make custom upgrades to all sorts of vehicles.

  • Prepared, he grew up a boy scout and the motto “Be prepared” taught him how to expect the unexpected. He had a variety of survival gear and supplies on hand during the collapse.

  • Family Man, He would do anything to protect his wife and children.


  • MIA, at the beginning of the story he is presumed dead because he has been missing in action for about 3 years.

  • Overweight, his dedication to his family and his craft has left little left for his own physical needs.

  • Aggressive, he does not shy away from a fight, oftentimes putting himself in harm’s way to protect the ones he cares for.

  • Controlling, he does not like it when he is not in control, because he does not trust anyone to do as good a job as he would. In some cases he is right, but there are times when others are better suited and more talented but he takes over anyways.

In Progress, CharacterBLCBugComment