Is there a new landscape that can be used for post-apocalypse?
The above video goes over different post-apocalyptic landscapes in video games. It made me ask the following question. Is there a new landscape that can be used for post-apocalypse?
Swamp - this doesn’t make that much sense because there isn’t enough water to cover the highest mountains. Because of this, you would obviously have high lands and lowlands. People would not “rough” it out in the swamps when they could just migrate to the highlands to survive. To pull this landscape off your disaster would have to either get rid of mountains or introduce a lot more water. Maybe like a huge water asteroid or something.
Canyons - This landscape is pretty rare in real life, only occurring in specific circumstances. People don’t typically live in canyons. This disaster would have to explain why this is the only inhabitable landscape, or at the minimum why the book takes place there. Maybe there are other landscapes but they are too dangerous for the characters to exist there.
Biblical weather - perhaps the landscape is normal but the weather is not. For example, in Exodus, there was a cloud by day (funnel-shaped cloud) and fire by night (fire tornado). This could be added to any landscape to make it more dangerous. However, the disaster would have to explain how the weather was altered.
snow funnels
fire funnels
acid rain
Insect Debris - A movie did this very well, Love and Monsters. The world was basically the same. It had different landscapes, but the mutated monster and bugs left evidence of their existence everywhere. Spiderwebs, shells of old cacoons, and various insect nests, this kind of debris littered the landscape.
Lets take a closer look at the road to the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence hide themselves from travelers.
Lets take a closer look at the perimeter of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have secured themselves from attacking bugs and marauders.
Lets take a closer look at the outskirts of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have store their materials and miscellaneous supplies.
Lets take a closer look at the residential area of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have secured themselves from bugs and each other.
Lets take a closer look at the heart of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence have secured themselves from attacking bugs and marauders.
As I am writing chapter 2 I recognize there are some issues with Sanctuary. The security of this town does not make sense and I have a plan to fix this.
Introducing Jude, one of our main characters. He is the son of Nathan and Rebecca and brother to Eden.
As I write chapter 2 and try to introduce the next main character Jude, I find his current profession unappealing. Perhaps he needs to go in a different direction.
I go over some points that I was able to introduce in chapter 2’s first draft during week 1 of writing.
Introducing Oliver, the butcher. He receives meat from Jude and prepares it for the towns folk.
To make things better fall in line for the end of the story I am changing Rebecca to be a doctor.
Lets take a closer look at the wood outside of the town of sanctuary, and see how the residence secure resources.